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Train the Trustee Webinar – Empowering the Stewards of Tomorrow (Virtual Workshop)

Join our comprehensive “Train the Trustee” webinar designed for newly appointed trustees, those considering taking on the role, or individuals looking to understand the responsibilities of a trustee. This webinar aims to demystify the role of a trustee and equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to manage a trust effectively.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Understanding the Role: Learn the legal and ethical duties of a trustee, including the importance of the trust document, the trustee’s role in managing assets, and the expectations of beneficiaries.
  2. Asset Management: Gain insights into the financial aspects of a trust, including investment strategies, asset distribution, and tax implications.
  3. Legal Compliance: Stay informed about the legal requirements and potential liabilities you face as a trustee, and how to conduct trust affairs in full compliance with the law.
  4. Communication Strategies: Develop effective communication skills to interact with beneficiaries, co-trustees, and professional advisors.
  5. Problem-Solving: Explore common scenarios faced by trustees and engage in problem-solving workshops to prepare for real-world challenges.
  6. Trust Administration: Learn the practical aspects of trust administration, including record-keeping, reporting, and decision-making processes.


Register today to secure your foundation in trust management and ensure you’re ready to serve as an effective and informed trustee. Click the link provided below to register.

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